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43 артыкулаў
"I didn't want to live in the city knowing that I would no longer have a gay club"
I recorded this story back in June 2020: my friend Kolya and I were walking around Minsk, sat down on the parapet next to the building at
14 студзеня
1 870
Personal experience: How I came out to the army conscription board
I was in my last year of university. I understood that, most likely, I would have to serve in the army. I fit medical requirements. I was
23 лістапада
1 484
PART I. THE DARK All the names have been changed beyond recognition. All feelings are made up. All memories are false. The images are
02 кастрычніка
1 916
I removed my breast
and I will tell you about it, whether you want it or not
27 верасня
1 854
“The most important thing was to know that someone thinks about your trouble”
Alice, a coordinator of a trans activist initiative TG House, told us about the lives of transgender people in Belarus a year after the
23 жніўня
1 642
Three interviews about art, identity and life in Belarus here and now
I interviewed three Belarusian queer artists and talked to them about art, identity and life in Belarus here and now. Because visibility is
06 жніўня
1 874
«We have not lived in vain»
The documentary of Bart Staszewski and Nick Antipov
17 мая
1 564
"We went through a very difficult time": Repression against LGBTQ activism in Belarus, 2012-2013
This text is about the repression against LGBTQ activism in Belarus in 2012-2013. After the second attempt to register the organization
03 мая
1 894
"(No) Way Out": How to Stop Engaging in Activism
Activism can't provide everything at the same time: be it support, narcissistic comfort, a sense of meaning, pleasure, etc. As in a case of
04 сакавіка
1 877
"People are afraid not of getting sick, but of being hospitalized"
Fear of hospitalization, closed borders and not being able to bring medicine from abroad… Alisa, a member of the "TG House" initiative,
03 сакавіка
6 420
Escape to (non)freedom: the reality of inclusion inside queer parties
When I come to a queer party, I try to find myself in a space free from both prejudice and stereotypes, but, surprisingly, the breath of
03 сакавіка
1 907
From Okrestina to Berghain: 'I write, therefore I am'
The process of writing is very therapeutic to me. I want to write out my prison experience. To document it, to free myself of it, and move
07 снежня
8 516
“Most of All I Wanted to Run Away”: Toxic Parents of LGBTQIAP People
Not everyone remembers their childhood with gratitude and nostalgia. To many people their relationship with parents is a story of trauma
01 лістапада
2 945
“She Already Helped Just by Listening To Me”
“Kiss me everywhere, I’m already eighteen”, went one of my childhood’s popular songs. The philosophy of legal adulthood that applies to
01 лістапада
2 071
“The Gym”: A Ghetto for Men’s Beauty and Strength
Modern culture subjects men’s as well as women’s appearance to analysis, control and careful scrutiny. While the “making” of a woman’s body
01 лістапада
2 803
“To Make Changes in One’s Life”: Oleg Tells His Transition Story
Transition is unique for every t* person. Some people only want hormone therapy, others require a legal name and/or gender marker change,
01 лістапада
2 310
“You are also people, even though somewhat different!”
The responses of psychologists and journalists working for the №1 newspaper for adolescents “Perehodnoi Vozrast” (The coming of age)
01 лістапада
2 205
“You, Me, Him, and Our Masculinities”
What is masculinity, why do violence and homophobia matter for “real” men, how does the patriarchal idea of men influence society as a
01 лістапада
2 110
10 Myths About Asexuality
On being in harmony with oneself, one the beauty of the human body and on the differences between being asexual and selling out your soul.
01 лістапада
3 409
Art Club Babylon
The legendary club Babylon was one of the most glamorous venues is Minsk, loved by both homosexual and straight public. Youngsters under 18
01 лістапада
4 247
Beyond the Visible: LGBTQIAP People’s Life in Small Towns
Does the place where you live influence the level of privacy in your life? Does living in the capital provide greater freedom in revealing
01 лістапада
2 192
Every Gay Rights Movement Mirrors the General Picture of What’s Happening in Society
Why has the first Belarusian pride parade remained the best attended one? What is the problem with registered organizations and how can
01 лістапада
2 407
Facets of Polyamorous Relationships: Invisible Stories in a Monogamous World
When people speak of a romantic union, they call it a couple or a family, the latter also implying two partners. We rarely stop to think
01 лістапада
2 390
Family values Versus The Family
Are there indeed such things as the “traditional family”, “traditional sex” and “traditional love”?
01 лістапада
1 985
Gender Stereotypes in Out-Of-Home Advertising
Mass media take part directly in constructing gender alongside such traditional agents of socialisation as family, the education system and
01 лістапада
3 018
Hate Speech in Comment Sections: an IMHO or Media’s Complicity in Hate Crimes?
One out of four comments under the article titled “Peculiarities of Belarusian Tolerance” contains hate speech. It came out on TUT.BY,
01 лістапада
3 393
In Search of a Place: Looking Back at the Gay Pride History in Minsk
Belarus is the first post-Soviet country to have organized a series of protests in support of LGBTQ human rights. This article will
01 лістапада
4 672
Nobody Has Been Gathering Here For Five Years Now
What did the Panikoūka mean to its frequenters? What did they hope to find here? What made them come here every day on the clock like it
01 лістапада
2 314
Olga Gorbunova: Society is responsible for whom it fosters
Since 1981, all across the world, November 25th has been celebrated as the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.
01 лістапада
2 362
TemaVIDOS: It Became More Than a Hobby, It Became Our Whole Life
TemaVIDOS is a creative team that, according to the members, produces “parody, absurdity, slapstick, freak show, and a little bit of
01 лістапада
4 526
The Body Positivity Movement in Belarus: “When You Don't Have to Hide What Makes You Special”
The idea of body positivity is being actively explored on the Interent today. In social networks and blogs, people share their stories and
01 лістапада
2 242
Transgender Women: At the Intersection of Discriminations
It may seem that transgender women are included in several communities that fight for their rights: feminism and LGBTQ (which also means
01 лістапада
2 440
Violence and Powerlessness
On December, 9, 2014 the Minsk City Court considered a cassation appeal in Mikhail Pishchevsky’s battery case. Psychologist Polina Linnik
01 лістапада
2 386
Kacia Pytleva: People Still Write To Me Asking To Bring The Girls Party Back
At the L Party, apart from dancing and having drinking one could watch a movie and listen to live music. The L Party organiser tells us why
01 лістапада
2 061
“I Wouldn’t Have Made it if it Weren’t For This Place”
“Even by taxi it still would take long to get there. It was a no-nonsense bar. No censorship. No glamour. Big things happened there — harsh
08 жніўня
2 218
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